The decision of terminate the pregnancy for a woman is not light-hearted. Sometimes termination of pregnancy is not easy situation for a woman, but here’s the question is can a women inmate terminate her pregnancy accept rape or sexual offences. In fact the problem of abortion is totally debated issue. Because this matter includes the rights of a fetus or pre-natal or baby. The abortion is unusual for a women because difficult. It is unusual because the human fetus is very kind and the emotional relationship between fetus and a expecting women is very unlike. Especially with female inmates because in lots of matter the female inmates they abort their child just because of their sentence which is very difficult phase for a women because she broken by heart and this abortion is just a scarifies. Sometime it is for her child that she should not want to give birth to her child in the wall of prison because in many jails of India there is no provision for to deliver a baby in hospital. The conflicts are in two basic principles for abortion issue. One is covered under article 21(basically in relation to unborn life, but also in relation to the life of the mother) and second one is individual freedom that is mother’s right over her body and on her procreativity and about her life. But according to the time the court rule out the law regarding abortion or end of pregnancy and given findings by their judgements. That it is directed to jail administration not to wait for court orders but to send women inmates to the near by state or district  hospital or clinic  if they want to come to an end of a pregnancy within the time limit set by law. What procedure is followed by the jail authorities or by medical expert what are the laws for a legal abortion or methods these all are the subjects or issue for debate.

Keywords: Unborn Life, Abortion Issue, Legal Abortion, Medical Expert.


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