India is the land of celebrities where people love and worship their favorite celebrity star be it film stars, sports persons, politicians or even animated characters. People idealize them and want to be like them, live like them and create influence like them. They derive their identity from them by taking them as their reference group. These celebrities are hired by the marketers for endorsing their products because people listen to these celebrities. When a famous star endorses a product it is believed that people will show higher attitude and purchase intention. This paper focuses on the concept of celebrity, celebrity endorsement and its effectiveness on various variables like sales, profits, brand perception, attention, recall etc. This is a review paper based upon previous research on the topic. Objectives of this study are to understand who is a celebrity; and what impact it creates if a celebrity is used for endorsing the product. This study is believed to give deep insights on the area of celebrity endorsement and its effectiveness so that future scholars can further explore this area as it has been found that not much studies have been done on celebrity endorsement in India. Finally the paper is concluded with findings and suggestions based upon the review done.
Keywords: Celebrity, Celebrity Endorsement, Celebrity Endorsement, Celebrity Marketing, Influential Marketing.
JEL Code: JEL- M310.