Stock Trade is a centre point of the essential and auxiliary business sectors assuming an urgent part in the economy. Stock exchange gives a spot to the purchasers and dealers of the offers and protections. For this reason, National Stock Exchange was set up by the main foundations during the 1990s with the fundamental goal to outfit an advanced and online-based exchanging framework with public reach. The current examination investigated and broke down the pattern of exchanging at National Stock Exchange in the capital market fragment. The present research is based on secondary data and is logical in nature. Information has been separated from the authority site of NSE for the length of 12 years for example from 2009-2021. The examination has discovered that NSE has a developing pattern yet in the year 2016-2017; there was an exceptional defeat in the exchanging of NSE. During the year 2016, the Chief of NSE Ms Chitra Ramkrishna additionally leaves her position which prompts an enormous destruction in market. What's more, as indicated by the news in May 2019, NSE was in a trick wherein NSE was utilizing the Tick-by-tick worker to help its individuals by giving information to them. Subsequently, the current investigation has zeroed in on the examination of the exchanging portion of the National Stock Exchange. It was also analysed that due to the happening of worldwide pandemic COVID-19 there is an effect over the stock exchange in both positive and in negative way. But there was a great role of stock trading mobile applications which provided the benefit of digital trade and has boosted the economy through its digital payment system. There are numerous mobile applicants who got launched during this period and have attracted lot of individual retail investors towards the trade in stock market comprising both NSE and BSE.
Keywords: Capital Market, National Stock Exchange, Digital Payments.