Running the government efficiently is usually spoken nearly as good governance. The concept of fine governance inherently includes the correct to a real and authentic government, advancement of a society where fundamental rights and rule of law are the premise and most respected principles of society, a society that's socially and economically fair and equal, etc. Many factors determine good governance. In discharge of the sovereign functions of a government, it's to fulfil its constitutional duties and in doing so it should enhance, enable and deploy sufficient power to sustain proper human development. It’s considered as a package of the government to accomplish the target of constructing a responsible government which is open and accountable together with participatory and democratic. A decent government is one which has stability and depicts truth representation of the people in majority. It should stimulate economic development and growth and will make sure that all sections of the society enjoy peace and prosperity. It should even be remembered that transparency is equally important good governance. Good governance equal and open opportunity publicly participation  could be a universally accepted principle. Every interested group with relevant information should be allowed to participate within the affairs of the state and put forth their ideas. It’s natural that the danger of another group taking advantage of these open decisions to distort policies will always be there. “Responsibility and Lucidity” are the most ground work for fighting against corruption in a country like India. Various Western Countries have transgressed themselves to an extent wherein they need graveness about good administration. The other countries in addition as India also are not finding it easy to supply for its citizen’s equality, social order, and citizens. Which are those factors which hinders the make wards good administration? There are also many factors that hinders the progress to name it few in order that overall summary will be taken into it namely Population, Violence Culture, Politics and Corruption etc.



Keywords: Governance, Development, Management, Corruption, Administration, Political Prospective.


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