ISO 9001:2015


Shikha Nainawat

Employees are the pillar of the organization. An organization can’t be imagined without its employees. So organization needs to keep productive this pillar with different types of innovative activities. Organization recruits the candidates to fill the vacant posts that are identified through analyzing the requirement of employees in different departments. The skill sets, qualifications and other requirements are defined for the posts. Once the vacancy, posts and requirements are identified HR manager design the advertisement to invite the applications. The mode of advertisement is also equally important. The candidates apply for the posts and send the resumes. The resumes are analyzed and shortlisted by the hiring manager. The candidates go through the different processes of recruitments and finally some of them those fulfilled almost all requirements of desired post are selected. Once the candidate is selected in the organization they bound with a legal contract i.e. employment contract. The organization provides training and development to the employees for desired skill sets. The job specification and task are allotted to the employees. Now the employees need to work towards best interest of the organization that increases the long-term value of the organization. While doing job employees need to be energetic and creative. Employer should work towards motivating the employees throughout their job. Motivation is the key to make productive the employees. Motivation doesn’t mean to offer monetary benefit to the employees, it has many mode such as; recognition, reward, promotion, transfer etc. A motivate employees is an assets for the organization. Motivated employees become loyal to the organization that reduces the turnover rate of the employees.



Keywords: Vacancy, Specialization, Motivation, Turnover, Productive.


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