In early 2020, world found itself into the grip of global pandemic, which resulted in bringing the life standstill. Then onwards, an entire 360 degree rotation in the affairs. which were routine in nature earlier are found to be combatting with the search of newer ways of action. In this struggle of mankind, technology played a vital role. On the immediate announcement of COVID-19 wave in India, in March- 2020, and subsequent nation-wide lockdown, the life of people altered in more than several ways. Be it business, production, manufacturing, trading, healthcare or education sector, transformation is recorded in almost every nature of functions and operations. In the current paper, higher education and its transition is studied, whereby, not only the interest of students but their anxiety, depression, uncertainty etc are underlined. Shifting of the class room into the respective home, where students are locked during ongoing lockdown in nation, unquestionably bring gigantic impact on their physical and mental health. They have more than one objective before them, i.e. doing well in higher education, career and also to be accomplished sound health, safeguarding themselves from this deadly virus. In this dire need, Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) have capacitated the education sector in India with its online platforms to operate its teaching-learning pursuits extensively. In this paper, with due illustrations, instances and specimen, the upcoming post-pandemic panorama in Indian higher education sector is appraised. Novice, BALM - Blended Acquisition Learning Module, an illustrious approach during the pandemic in higher education in the Colleges & Universities via MOOC, SWAYAM etc is assessed, whether to continue, in post pandemic landscape in Indian Higher Education sector. Holding Virtual Augmented Reality the centre stage, is needed tremendous planning by the educators, researchers and psychologists for youngsters careers and wellbeing.


Keywords: Blended Learning, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Education-Sector.


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