Marketing includes all those activities that a company uses to promote the selling of product or services. According to American Marketing Association (AMA) marketing is an activity of processes, communication, delivering and exchanging of goods or services that have some value to the customers.  Marketers try to attract and retain the customers through different marketing activities like advertising, direct marketing, personal selling etc. These are promotional activities that companies use to inform the customers about their offerings. Customers will attract or retain with the company is depends on effectiveness of the marketing programs. Earlier the companies were focused on traditional marketing methods such as advertising through television and print media (mostly newspaper). As time passes the mode of communication between company and customer is also changed. Now companies are using innovative marketing methods to connect with customers. The young generation is moving towards social media and using mobile phones and other electric devices to explore the information on various issues give the great opportunities to companies to connect with these customers. Companies are moving towards these moderns communication tool like social media and other social sites. By using these modes of communication companies get great chance to reach large number of customers at low cost. Then another innovative marketing approach is word of mouth publicity. There is no doubt that this is the most effective tool of marketing of product and services. Satisfied customers speak positive words about the company and its offering and indirectly promote the company’s products. The innovative marketing approaches are the need of today’s era.



Keywords: Promotional Activities, Modern Communication Tool, Social Marketing, Word of Mouth.


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