Banks are critical to nation-building, particularly in a developing economy like India. Computerization and technology in general have been ingrained in Indian banks from the days of globalization and privatization in the early 1990s. Until this time, the name "bank" conjured up images of a physical institution, a building with a Branch Manager and other officials behind the counters holding massive, voluminous ledgers and people queuing or waiting at cash and other counters. Those were the days. When you say "bank" to a modern-day teen, he doesn't think of a building or a person; instead, he thinks of his computer, an ATM, or his cellphone. Today's banking is more closely tied with technological delivery channels such as ATMs, mobile phones, point-of-sale terminals, and online banking than with any physical human being. It's no surprise that today's customer is unfamiliar with his banker, and that today's banker is unfamiliar with all of his customers. For hundreds of years, the banking industry has been under threat. The first was the actual theft of funds. Then there was the issue of computer fraud. Hacking into servers to steal a customer's personally identifiable information is now a common occurrence, in addition to cyber fraud (PII). The importance of cyber security in the banking industry Because most people and businesses conduct their business online, the risk of a data breach grows every day. This is why a greater emphasis is being placed on examining the role of cyber security in banking processes.



Keywords: Cyber, Security, Banking, Computer, Transactions Online.


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