A co-operative bank is an economic unit which belongs to its associate, similarly at the same time it belongs to the holder and the clients of their bank. These banks are normally shaped by personnel fit in to the same limited or qualified community or sharing a general interest. The co-operative banking sector in the Indian economy holds a distinct identity, as it is the only institution of micro credit dispersion. The extraordinary growth of co-operative enterprise in recent years is a positive evidence of the fact that among various financial institution agencies, they have been renowned as the best for supplying un-exploitative, cheap, sound and dynamic credit to small borrowers, professionals, artisans and the weaker sections of society. For the improvement of their performance or quality of services. The banks should measure how their products and services met or surpass customer expectations. This paper deals with the customer satisfaction and perception towards the services of Co-operative Banks with special reference to District Central Co-operative Bank, Vijayapur, Karnataka which are organized in financial services. Responses of 160 customers were randomly selected for knowing their familiarity with the bank. Responses of 160 customers were randomly selected for knowing their familiarity with the bank.
Keywords: Co-Operative Bank, Customer Satisfaction, Financial Services, Quality of Services.