Digitalization is found in every field. It includes various sector including business & Service sector. The concept of digitalization was started by the prime minister of India Shree Narendra Modi on 1st July 2015. Digital technology allows users to make tasks faster and with more accuracy. Digital world market place continues to grow each and every year. Majority of educated people can make their business with the use of technology. Digital networking is developing fast too: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Linkedin. Makes the world connected with each other. Every business wants to connect their activity with the business world with the help of technology. Digitalization allows the businessman to connect with the customer at anywhere and they can make development in their business. Digitalization has positive impact on the business and customers are also having interest in purchasing of product through Amazon, Flipkart, Paytm mall etc. Therefore, Indian will become a different nation when various sector including business & Service sector adopts the digital technology. A Digital interface is convenient to both the businessman as well as the customer also. In our country most of the business adopts digitalization in the business to make progress. India is now close to cashless economy and digitalization is the primary requirement in every activity of business. The covid-19 pandemic has led to an inevitable surge in the use of digital technologies due to the social distancing norms and nationwide lockdowns. People and organizations all over the world have had to adjust to new ways of work and life. We explore possible scenarios of the digital surge. Digitalization has positive impact on Indian trade and commerce in pre & post pandemic times


KEYWORDS: Digitalization, Business Growth, Technological Advancement, Liberalization, Privatization.


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