The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented shock to Indian economy. The economy was already in a parlous state before Covid-19 struck. With the drawn out country-wise lockdown worldwide monetary decline and related interruption of interest and supply chains, the economy is probably going to confront an extended time of log jam. The Indian Economy was required to lose over Rs.32, 000 crore (US$4.5 billion) consistently during the initial 21-days of complete lockdown, which announced after the Covid flare-up. Under complete lockdown, less than a quarter of India’s $2.8 trillion economic movement was functional. The non performing assets will increase as unemployment increases, including retail loans. The paper shows some of the remedial measure that must be taken care of so that there is a boost in the economy as soon as the lockdown gets over. The reason for this paper is to assess development ramifications of the Pandemic for the Indian economy. Such an activity will be basic for resulting conversations on arrangement intercessions expected to speed up the way toward fixing supply chains and limiting the monetary expenses related with the pandemic. Watchwords: COVID-19, Pandemic, Unemployment, Economy, Downturn.


KEYWORDS: COVID-19, Pandemic, Unemployment, Economy, Downturn.


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