A man may say that women have nothing to do with the cars and the bikes while a woman may say that men are insensitive. This perception is not because of their nature but the way they are brought up and the manner in which their nurturing is done. This is inherited in them since their childhood. Somewhere consciously or sub consciously, we define the roles and the code of conduct for men and women from their very tender age.It becomes convenient for the society to judge a person if there are set standards or benchmarking even if they are inaccurate, simplistic and generalised. As per this so-called theory, components of masculinity and femininity are given more importance than to the components of human personality. Gender stereotypes have negative as well as positive connotations. Positive impact includes the avoidance of chaos and confusion as the responsibilities in a broader sense are defined for both men and women. Although women have become self-sufficient now but gender stereotyping gives her exemptions in some physically loaded tasks like carrying luggage while travelling, putting on gas cylinders and so on resulting in unintentional distribution of work. The negative impact includes the feeling of superiority or tolerance of injustice which leads to domestic violence and other such civil and criminal wrongs. This chapter focuses on the general concepts of gender stereotyping and its implications on the lives and lifestyles of men and women especially at workplace.


KEYWORDS: Stereotype, Perception, Masculinity, Femininity, Self-Sufficient.


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