Talent Management has become a state of the art managerial technique in a company, which wants to retain its own cadre. Nowadays it's getting easy from the angle of management to urge fresher’s inducted to its own organization. However, it gets difficult to the identical extent to retain them for a protracted run as opportunities for betterment of their career come flashing to them day by day once they acquire some knowledge on the system through training and practice at the value of the employer. So, to cater to the requirement of things, people functioning at the highest management should device out certain tools and techniques to retain them. The technique used may vary from industry to industry reckoning on the sort of job that they're in, the character of individuals that  they're managing. In many organizations, people try and be visible through networking, personal contacts, recommendations etc. they have not be truly extraordinary and talented but are often visible and are caught in the eyes of top management. However, most successful organizations try and search and encourage talented persons to be visible no matter their less interest in networking, contacts, self advertisement and cheap popularity etc. Hence, many organizations, and good private companies try and harness maximum have the benefit of their employees through talent search and talent management. In a company, many talented people come and join with a dream for achievement, success and career growth. But in the phase of their career, they realize and skill verity culture of the organization and lots of of them feel neglected and frustrated. Through Talent Management, attention may be given to any or all employees no matter their nature. Sincere and silent employees won't feel neglected. Fairness and transparency in the appraisal process can result in satisfaction of employees and thereby least grievances. For this, both controlling and reviewing officers have to be fully retrained to keep up rationality in the marking system.


KEYWORDS: Competence, Achievement, Attention, Talent Management, Appraisal, Promotion.


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