The term ‘Empowerment’ is the restructuring of gender relations both within the family and society at large and it societies recognition of women’s equality with men on terms of their worth to society as independent persons. Empowerment process encompasses several mutually reinforcing components but begins with and is supported by economic independence. However, equitable access to resources, power and decision making is of paramount importance in empowerment of women and under Gandhiji’s leadership played a very important role in the freedom movement. Women from all walks of life participated in the movement. After independence the constitution guaranteed to all women equal rights of participation in the political process of the country along with equal opportunities in education and employment. This approach is the recent women’s development approach, which came into existence through third world women’s feminist and grass roots oragnisations experience. The purpose of the approach is to empower women through self reliance. India after achieving independence decided to develop the economy through economic planning. The development of the economy through economic planning was undertaken to achieve steady economic development in the market economy, remove unemployment, poverty and economic inequalities and achieve self reliance and self sufficiency. A number of programmes were implemented. In this context the government initiates empowering strategies for women’s development. Development of women through five year plans. The concept of women’s development in the first five year plan (1951-56) was mainly “Welfare Oriented”. In the second five year plan (1956-61) women were organised into Mahila Mandals to act as focal points at the grass root level for the development of women etc. In line with the eighth plan strategy promises ensure that the benefits of development from different sectors do not bypass women. Women must be enabled to function as equal partners and participants in the developmental process. This is a further shift from “Development to empowerment” of Women. Empowering strategies implemented by the government through many schemes. In this paper clearly explain all these strategies and government initiatives like SEP, STEP, NORAD, ICDS, MSY, DWCRA etc.


KEYWORDS: Empowerment, Five Year Plans, Government Initiative, Strategies, Schemes.


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