Green marketing seems to be the crucial constituents of the holistic marketing concept. Green marketing is capable enough to satisfy all human needs with minimal damage to environment. Green marketing is not only beneficial for environment and country but it is also provide good innovative tricks to the businessman and provide the competitive advantage. Though it is not so much old concept so many companies in all over the world are using and successful implementing this concept. In India also so many well-known companies are now diverted towards this concept since last 10years. Not only this but so many Indian companies are developing rapidly due to the successful implementation of this concept. This type of marketing activities is costlier than other marketing activities. But nowadays this type of marketing is in demand. So it can be profitable too. Authenticity is essential in green marketing. Companies risk being labeled as dishonest if their business practices don't match their green marketing messages, so they must ensure they're practicing what they're preaching. Green marketing involves so many things like eco-friendly packaging, eco-friendly product’s use, communication and promotions of product’s green benefits. Nowadays it is becoming more popular because people can now understand and feel the negative impact of population on the environment so they know that green marketing is the biggest requirement of today’s modern world. Green marketing begins with a company actually implementing and practicing sustainable business methods.
KEYWORDS: Green Marketing, Environment Friendly, Nature, Country, Substantial.