ISO 9001:2015


Dr. O. P. Sharma

As we all know, Man is the soul of all organizations. In fact, without human resource a company cannot exist. It’s the person who is working at different levels in numerous capacities right from the highest management to the operating level in every organization. He represents both a challenge and a frustration to the organization. He constitutes a serious constraint and a soul of opportunity for the accomplishment of the organizations soul. Throughout the history of mankind, one impression of attribute has been consistent that's, man has versatility in his nature and successively behavior. In other words, if we've got a gaggle of persons, we discover that every person is created of several persons due to diversity in his behavior at different times. When two or more persons work together or live together, then there's every possibility of the generation of conflict because of  difference of opinion, clash of interest or perhaps misunderstanding. But the existence of conflict shouldn't cause alarm; it's at time the sign, more often, of close relationship between the persons working within the organization. In other circumstances it should be destructive and desires careful handling. In a company, every person lives and works with others to attain his objective and also the organization’s objective. For this purpose, he requires authority to guide and direct the action of others  and also the relationship among different people of the character that every one accomplishes his objective without impinging on other rights and privileges. Equity in distribution forges unity thereof causes conflict in organization and society. No organization is freed from conflicts. Nor should they be. In fact, it's hard to imagine any vital, responsive organization during a dynamic society which is conflict less. Conflict, is finally, as natural as harmony and it's difficult to see the attainment of positive social goals and even many personal ones without it.


KEYWORDS: Relationship, Organizational Conflict, Society, Management, Compromise, Dynamic.


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