Job satisfaction is one of the most widely discussed issues in organisational behaviour. The purpose of this descriptive-correlation study is to describe the amount of variance infaculty member’s overall level of job satisfaction with the help of motivation theory explained by Herzberg’s job motivator and hygiene factors.As a motivational factor the researcher has taken - Achievement, recognition, responsibility, growth and work itself on the other hand salary, working condition, supervision, policy & administration and interpersonal relations as a hygiene factors.For the fulfilment of objectives; as a sample, the researcher has taken52 commerce and management college faculty membersof Saurashtra region. From The paper had been highlight the main factors which had highly affect the job satisfaction among the faculty members. It had been shown that the faculty were generally satisfied with their jobs. However, female faculty members were less satisfied than male faculty members. The factor “responsibility” was the most motivating aspect for faculty then “work itself” and “salary” respectively. The demographic characteristics were highly related to overall job satisfaction. All of the job motivator and hygiene factors were moderately or substantially related to overall job satisfaction. The researcher has also considered the effect of demographic characteristics on job satisfaction level.
KEYWORDS: Job Satisfaction, Herzberg’s Dual Factor Theory, Motivational and Hygiene Factors.