ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Ashok Kumar & Dr. Asha Rathi

The Human Resource Management means an integrated and correlated approach of the management of any organisation to value the most valued asset of the company perhaps, which is the people or employees working in it, who individually as well as collectively working for the achievement of its objectives. Human Resource Management is unquestionably some of management but the scope of it's quite large and large. The theories developed for human resource management has not been developed over the night, it took over 100 years to return at the conclusion, what we've got at this level. The term Human Resource Management perhaps replaced the traditional term of personal management used for managing the people in an organisation. An organistation has two categories of assets generally. One is Tangible assets like plant & machinery, furniture & fixtures, building, stock etc and the other one is Intangible assets, like trade mark, patent, copy rights etc. both finds an area within the record of the corporate. However the human resource don't have place in both of it. The concept of Human Resource Management underpins all the activities described in, and also the aim is to supply a framework for what follows by defining the concepts of human resource management and human resource system, describing the assorted models of human resource management and discussing its aims and characteristics. This continues with a review of reservations about human resource management and therefore the relationship between human resource management and personnel management concludes with a discussion of the impact human resource management can make on organizational performance. Today’s corporate culture has to actively support quality and customer orientation. With globalization/ proliferation and rapid advanced technological change, quality is of at the most importance for the Indian companies, especially which earn most of their revenues through exports. Hence, the human resource professional as a strategic partner has to encourage a culture of superior quality to make sure customer satisfaction the sole real measure of quality of a product or service.


KEYWORDS: Human Resource, Human Resource Management, Accounting for Human Asset.


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