Politics is a field which has been long dominated by the male. Gandhiji once remarked, “In their conduct and behavior towards women, men haven't fully acknowledged this truth that rather than accepting women as their friend, partner and companion, men has considered themselves as their masters”. If we mouth electoral politics, then we sadly witness that women’s in India haven't seen adequately represented. Their number in the Parliament and state assemblies has always been extremely low Women must be made active participants in politics and hence agent of social change and development. The society cannot progress by leaving half its population bereft of their political and democratic rights. The choice making power in women and also the right to compete with others through economic, social, political and civil independence is inherent in women empowerment. In the very definition of empowerment, it included the sense of increase within the exercise of specific right. In India further as several other developing countries, women are regarded inferior to men and accordingly, they're treated despairingly and discriminately with reservation. Since the lives of men and women’s are entangled in equality, the simplest due to empower women is to get rid of this inequality. But to empower women within the actual sense may requires that, first they're allowed to exercise their rights reception. Because when this process of women’s empowerment is exercised simultaneously in and out the household, only then they will be empowered and made competent. Here it'll be quite pertinent to quote swami Vivekananda who once remarked, “There isn't any possibility for the welfare of the planet until there's improvement in women’s condition. No bird can fly with the help of one wing.   

KEYWORDS: Women Empowerment, Reservation, Political contribution, Traditional, Struggling.


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