The dynamic organizational system goes continuously with the transformation. As per Baker, Jensen, and Murphy (1998), the behavior and the performance of the staff largely reflects the motivation system of the organisation which is predicated on the appraisal system. Good salary system, interrelationship between the superior and also the subordinate, ratio, punishments, poor performance etc all are relied on the-product of the behavioral pattern of the worker, which is the by-product of incentive system. A healthy Performance Appraisal process is systematic, cyclic, in nature and essential need of a corporation which helps the managers to assess and evaluate their employees’ performance on an ongoing basis. Performance Appraisal may be a systematic and periodic review of the worker performance working within the organisation. Employee performance will be enhanced if the worker knows his goals, aligns them, increases his engagement with the organisation and continuously interacts together with his superior for seeking feedback on his performance. Performance Appraisal aims to see the desired performance of the worker within the beginning of the year. It’s done mutually by the superior and his subordinate. At the tip of the amount, the particular performance is measured and compared with the quality performance. The explanations for the gap are identified so worker is helped to beat the deficiency or gaps. It’s a proper system designed to live and evaluate the performance and behavior of people at work and thru constant observation, developmental changes will be made in his performance, behavior, results, etc. Performance appraisal helps the organisation to grasp and compare the after-effects of employee behavior, when a task is given. The main focus of performance appraisal is that the actual performance under the wants of the duty, and standardized performance that's expected from him


KEYWORDS: Job Performance, Evaluation, Deficiencies, Quality Management, Human Resource.


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