Solar Energy is the best alternative of energy in the world which is cost-effective, ecofriendly, long –lasting, high in return in comparison with the investment, low infrastructural demanding medium of energy. It plays very vital role to fill up the gap of traditional source of energy. Jharkhand the 28th state of India with 2.69 cr. Population and the people, industries are not getting proper power supply, to promote renewable energy and ensure power supply in rural and urban area’s the govt. Of Jharkhand incorporated JAREDA in the year 2001, JAREDA in working for implementation of fiscal and financial incentives made available by MNRES and IREDA and provide financial Inclusion in the remote area of Jharkhand.
KEYWORDS: Solar Energy, Eco-Friendly, Cost-Effective, JAREDA, MNRES, Fiscal and Financial Incentive, Present Position of Solar Energy in Jharkhand Projects done by JAREDA.