Social and economic life in India has impacted adversely due to COVID-19.Various social, economical and health problems such as mental and health problems, psychological problems etc. have emerged due to COVID-19. Most of the sectors of the economy such as hotel, tourism and travel, capital market, MSME, retail sector, hospitality, healthcare, banks and financing companies, real estate, IT, media affected adversely on the economy. Government has taken necessary steps to boost the economy. It is expected that adverse affect of this pandemic will affect the economy upto coming 18-24 months. Ayusman Bharat like concept of Gram Swaraj of Mahatma Gandhi is the only remedy for fighting COVID-19 pandemic.
KEYWORDS: Sustainable Development, Social and Economic Life, COVID-19, MSME, WHO, Great Depression, IMF, Pandemic, Self Reliance, Gram Swaraj.