ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Brahmdeo Modi & Dr. Suresh PD Barnwal

Statistical techniques used worldwide for making calculations and predictions in almost all of the areas of the profession or world. In addition to researchers making research worldwide, this is also used in medical science, engineering, research and development in Mathematics, Mining, Defence, Aviation industry, Navel services and many more. The list is not exhaustic. It could include a variety of areas. This perhaps found to be the most useful statistical tool used everywhere. In Regression analysis, a relationship between two variables is set out in such a way that values of Dependent variable is calculated from the independent variables. In linear regression analysis measurement of association between two different variables is measured. In statistics although number of different Statistical Techniques are available, but still most of the analyst uses linear regression analysis as the most safe and reliable statistical technique and uses it in variety of paradigm. However this is not only the feature of Linear Regression analysis. The another feature which is perhaps not known or researchers do not want to know the same, is Linear regression analysis too suffers from number of Deficiencies or drawbacks. Various errors have been noticed by the researchers during the use of Linear Regression analysis, which makes sense to doubt on the reliability of the techniques while using the same, especially when it is to be used for those researchers which have worldwide impact for example medical Science and CORONA VACCINE is the latest and best example in today’s scenario. Hence this is always advised to use the technique with the utmost care and with the known exception. This article is enlighten the all aspect of Linear regression analysis.


KEYWORDSLinear Programming, Regression Analysis, Statistical Techniques, Medical & Engineering.


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