The Covid-19 has vibrated the entire nook and corner of the world and impacted the ways and methods which were used in dealing with the defy in every field of life be it banking, commerce, management or education. Earlier the focus was on the formal education that is student or teacher should have to come at a scrupulous place, for teaching and learning. Thus it was captivating only within the four walls of educational institution. Previously, there was no alternative which would substitute this traditional system of education .However, now we have an absolute proxy to the traditional system of education and that is virtual mode of education, which takes place with the help of technologies and  while learning or interacting with this mode  you can be at any space say it from 1 mile to 1000 miles or much more .Resultantly, we can say that for education you don’t need to roam here and there ,you can access the learning  anywhere and anytime. So we are in a position to say that despite all the negatives that are dispensed to covid-19 it had geared up us for adversity and modernized our thought process by thinking about unusual ways to each and every situation say it working from home or learning from home. It hadn’t left any option rather than to leave our traditional system with number of rigidness .Thus making the new system of education much flexible and much innovative. The main aim of this paper is to highlight the challenges and opportunities which covid-19 has laid on every single being so that we can cope up with the situation with huge accomplishment.


Keywords: Covid-19, Modern Education, Learner, Educator, Teaching and Learning, Information and Communication Technology (ICT).


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