The Coalition Politics is a phenomenon of a multi-party government where a number of minority parties join hands for the purpose of running the government, which is otherwise not possible in a democracy based on a one-party system. A coalition is formed when many splinter groups in a House agree to join hands on a common platform by sinking their broad differences and form a majority in the House.                The terms 'coalition' is derived from the Latin word •coalition' which is the verbal substantive of coalescere-co, which means together and alescere, which means to go or to grow together. According to the dictionary meaning, coalition means an act of coalescing, or uniting into one body, a union of persons, states or an alliance. It is a combination of a body or parts into one whole. In the strict political sense the word 'coalition' is used for an alliance or temporary union for joint action of various powers or states and also of the union into a single government of distinct parties or members of distinct parties' According to Ogg;"… the terms coalition as employed in a political parties, or at all events members of such parties unite to form a government or ministry. " The system of coalition has certain important implications: Firstly, coalitions are formed for the sake of some reward, material or psychic, secondly, a coalition implies the existence of at least two partners. Thirdly, the underlying principle of a coalition system stands on the simple fact of temporary conjunction of specific interest. Fourthly, coalition politics is not a static but a dynamic affairs as coalition players and groups dissolve, and form new ones. Fifthly, the keynote of coalition politics is compromise and a rigid dogma has no place in it. Sixthly, a coalition Government works on the basis of a minimum programme, which may not be ideal for each partner of the coalition. After all, politics is the act of the possible and coalition politics is its highest expression. Seventhly, pragmatism and not ideology is the hallmark of coalition politics. In making political adjustments, principles may have to be set aside and in the process ideology is the first-casualty. Lastly, the purpose of a coalition adjustment is to seize power, it may seek to stake its claim for the formation Of a Ministry or for pulling a Ministry down, As the former Governor of Punjab D.C. Pavate visualised; if purpose of forming a coalition is to topple the existing government without any common programme of action or approach, the coalition, however, broad based or cohesive it may be, would not provide for stability and would in its turn be the victim of the same process of defection. Quite often coalitions are formed to prevent a common enemy from capturing power. In the context the coalescing parties having ideological differences are compelled to come to an understanding, as they have to choose the lesser of the two evils. There have been instances of the Rightists and Leftists coming together to challenge the citadels of the ruling party. Equally interesting is the instance of the communists and anti-communists forging and alliance to face a common enemy a coalition devoid of ideological moorings survives till the enemy is humbled. Once the euphoria victory is over, differences come to the surface and the structure collapses like a pack of cards. There are a good number of instances of parties shifting their alliance in search Of fresh pastures. If power is the only motive behind joining a coalition, realignment will be a regular feature. Indeed, in a coalition set up alliance go on changing like the sand dunes of a typical desert. No coalition partner has permanent friends or enemies, it has only permanent interests.


Keywords: Coalition, Substantive, Implication, Psychic, Dogma, Euphoria, Realignment.


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