Historical interpretation is the process by which we describe, analyze, evaluate and create an explanation of past events on primary and secondary historical sources. History is important to study because it is essential for all of us in understanding ourselves and the world around us. There is a History is absolutely necessary of every field and topic to know about past..By the Theological Interpretation, human action are considered as motivated by divine will. It is believed that there must be some reason for all that had happened in the past. God created the whole universe and everything takes place by his dispensation. This conception of the past has been advocated from time immemorial and has its adherents even in Modern times. Generally, great Historians believe in divine will. So History was treated as co-ordinate with the purpose of creation. It cannot be denied that religion Eastern or Western has played a very significant role in moulding human character and values.


Keywords: Historical Interpretation, Past Events, History, Divine Will.


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