With regard to Higher Education, the National Education Policy (2020) put forward a  novel proposal for a holistic multidisciplinary education  “to lead the country into the 21st century and the fourth industrial revolution”(P37). The notion of a ‘knowledge of many arts’ or what in modern times is often called the ‘liberal arts’ prevalent in ancient India  is  proposed  to be brought back to Indian education (P36). More  than a  decade ago the University Grants  Commission floated  the  idea of   autonomous institutions   with  the  liberty to design  Courses. Then, teaching departments in  autonomous  institutions   undertook  hectic  efforts  to  transform the  existing  Curriculum. Now  with  multidisciplinary  education   and   Liberal  Arts approach  being  proposed  in  NEP 2020,   new  courses  are  likely to be launched  soon. Educationists  know  that  curriculum  design  is  a  professional   enterprise  and  designing  a  multidisciplinary curriculum  is  quite complex. Practitioners  know  that   the  term  Multidisciplinary  is  a  bit   fuzzy in  nature with closely  related  terms  such as  Inter-disciplinary and Trans-disciplinary. So when NEP 2020 proposes teaching subjects in Humanities, Arts, Sciences and Mathematics from a Liberal Education perspective multidisciplinary curriculum design may lead to many pitfalls. What exactly should curriculum developers do to  avoid the  pitfalls in  multidisciplinary   curriculum design?   How  can  curriculum designers address  Post Modern  perspectives  while  designing  syllabuses,  following  student-centred practices and computer assisted  teaching and learning?  These are some of the questions this paper tries to answer. The paper commences by referring to the introduction of   ‘Multidisciplinary’ perspective in NEP 2020 followed by pedagogy of Multidisciplinary study. After mentioning the current trend in the arts stream, Post  Modern perspectives  in  education  is   highlighted.  This is followed by a  reference to earlier pitfalls in curriculum design  and  the steps  to be followed  in  curriculum design   focusing  on   student-  centred  practices  and the use of  technology. The   paper concludes  by    listing  down certain  aspects   curriculum developers  need to look into  in the context  of  NEP  2020  in the time  Industrial  Revolution 4.0.


Keywords: Curriculum, Design, Liberal Arts,   Multidisciplinary, NEP 2020, Post Modernism.


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