Health status of any country or state is an important indicator of economic development. Strong positive correlation between health status and economic development of any region is studied by many researchers. According to world health organization health is considered as engine of economic growth and development. Rajasthan is a largest state of India in terms of its area which is 10.4% of total geographical area of India but due to various reasons its health indicators indicates that status of health is lower than others. Present study was done to know about health status of Rajasthan and change in it over the period of time. Source of data was secondary available through “Statistical abstract of Rajasthan”, Directorate of economics and statistics of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Analysis revealed that health status in Rajasthan has improved over the time period. Average life expectancy has increased significantly and infant mortality rate and under five mortality rate both decreased significantly, which shows that social an economic condition in the state has increased significantly also people are in better position to access health care facilities and are accessing it. But as compared to other states, there is lot of scope for improvement. The maternal and child health indicators in Rajasthan are lower than the national average hence, it can be said that there is lot of scope for improvement of health status in Rajasthan.


Keywords: Health Status, Life Expectancy, Under Five Mortality Rate, Infant Mortality Rate.


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