In the ancient Gurukul system of education, the teaching was of two types. One was language (Sanskrit) and the other was the mathematical counting and calculations, according to the  Brahma or the universe.  The learning in the padmasan yoga and touching the feet of the elders, were the yoga of the heart and was an integral part of the value system of this kind of education system. The quality of the mind depends upon the speech or the language.  According to a report of UNESCO, out of the six thousand languages spoken in the world, around twenty five hundred languages are in the danger of disappearing, with the decrease in the importance. It is believed that there will only two hundred languages left in the world , by the end of this century. So long as there exists the unsteadiness and the duality inside the mind (knowledge, quality of the blood) and the speech (coordination of the organs through the sound), the intellect will not be able to recognize its superior strength. (BG 2:44).Different languages are born, out of the coordination of the different sounds. In this world, different kinds of languages and the mother tongue have been developed, keeping in mind the physical environment, that integrates the mind, speech and the actions and uplift the superior qualities, according to that particular physical environment. According to the Vedic Sciences, this sound or language is considered the treasure of scientific development. It activates different types of mental qualities, according to the different types of sound, with the help of the language.


Keywords: Coordination of Organs, Grammar, Language, Vedic Sciences, Yoga, Mental Health.


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