French literature is enriched with philosophies and these philosophies of each century philosophizes and embitter at the same time the understanding and the ideas in common man’s brain. Thus, it changes varied situations including education. Here, in this paper, we will discuss only about the school of enlightenment and the enlightenment thinkers who in turn brought rather a revolution to the then existing education system of France. The improvements in educational system produced a larger reading public which resulted in increased demand of printed material in that time. The situation in India is far better in comparison as, here, that kind of reading population and a much liberal schooling system produce a variety of crowd in that matter in every field of study. Considering the advanced situation in India, it would not only be easy but also much more fruitful in implementing the ideas derived from those thinkers. This paper will go through the ideas those can be adopted and our education system can be adapted with the existing demand of the time ahead.


Keywords: Enlightenment, Education, Thinkers.


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