One would had normally not associated the real estate sector with women entrepreneurs. It was thought buying, selling, renting properties is a man’s job. For decades, real estate was considered to be a man’s world. Breaking this thought and entered into real estate industry was difficult for women, even they could not buy real estate without a male co-signer until the 1980s. The NAR(National Association of Realtors), Chicago has come a long way since its founding in 1908 when totally membership was of male. But first woman joined NAR in 1910, and struggled for subsequent forty years so to serve on the real estate boards. Female real estate agents started their own women’s council of the realtors in 1938 as a parallel organization to National Association of Realtors after being excluded from other real estate boards (which supports and promotes the development of strong women business leaders in the industry, organized real estate and in the broader community). And then, maximum real estate boards let go of gender restrictions by early 1950s.According to the industry data, the female agents across all the State of US are 50% more than male agents, making female to male ratio 2:1. India has also trying to prove a similar trend. In fact, women have waited two-hundred years to attain equality in workplace according to the Global-Gender-Gap Report released in 2017 by the WEF (World Economic Forum). But today, they have become an important part of the organizations. Furthermore, businesses that have women on the board across levels create additional value by enhancing board dynamics, inspiring female stockholders and improving the corporate reputation, according to the industry report.



Keywords: Real Estate, Woman, Female Real Estate Agent, Woman’s Role.


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