Gender study is an interdisciplinary field which is basically analyzing gender identity, representation and role. It includes feminism movement differences of social structure and cultural tissue of traditions. This study focused to explain difference between gender and Sex. Regarding gender D, Simone Beauvoir said" one is not born a woman and man, one becomes one." (1949, 1989) The Second Sex. In this way gender studies related with social status of women, its reasons, results and for betterment of women life. Gender training is one foundation step for gender equity and equality. This training is a vision to impart skills, knowledge and altitudes to understand gender related concepts. It provides specific tools and methods to design gender training programme. It also provide indicators for better evaluation for this purpose. Gender training basic goals are following to dampen biological base differences. To refute work-place indiscrimination. To focus different need of women workers and their equal representation in society and work place. According to Rajani K. Murthy (ed) Building women capacities interventions in Gender transformation. New Delhi, Sage Publication , 2001. At a bare minimum gender transformative training seeks to provide an understanding of gender at an analytical rather than descriptive level, emphasizing political point that women occupy a subordinate position in society, not because they are themselves the problem but because of socially constituted power relations between men and women." Conceptually Gender Training is a vision to understand practical position and problems of women in social structure to adopt a review upon gender related application in different field of life. Gender Training is an idea of development strategy, getting co-operation of society without differences : it provide tools to sensitize gender integration and innovation so that new basis of social structure can be explored. Gender training is not a merely a way of women recognition but a complete… to impart knowledge, skill and attitudes to understand gender related concepts and improvement of the awareness.



Keywords: Gender Specific Tools Mainstreaming, Illustration Empowerment, Transformative Initiative.


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