The increase in the number of people living in towns and cities is known as Urbanization. It occurs due to migration of people from rural to urban areas and the result is an increase in the size of urban population. Due to an increase in population there is an increase in land use, there is change of culture. Economic and social transformation also occurs due to urbanization. Urban population leads to an increase in higher level of literacy and education, good health edict also causes disadvantages by unplanned and rapid growth resulting in poor infrastructures such as inadequate housing, water and sanitation, transport and health care services. Urbanization is a word for becoming more like a city. When populations of people grow, the population of a place may spill over from city to nearby areas. This is called urbanization. May be tall apartment buildings spring up on what had been the outskirts of town, bringing more people there to live and work. Urbanization can also apply to how people live. For example, if they stop driving their cars and instead rely on public transportation, as most people in cities do, that's urbanization.  Environmental degradation is occurring at a rapid speed due to urbanization. The lands which were used for agriculture previously and the forest area are being converted into big apartments and  malls due to which various problems like quality of water, air quality index, increase in air pollution and increase in noise pollution and water pollution is occurring at a very rapid speed. .  Satna is a city included in the list of smart city project and urbanization is taking place at a rapid speed in the district. It is also known as Cement Hub of India nut we can see that due to urbanization the areas which were in remote location are also now included in the city causing adverse effect upon climate, uncertainty in climate, causing skin diseases etc. The main objective of this research paper is to emphasize upon the adverse effects of urbanization which are mainly upon uncertain climate, and upon the land and water resources. Urbanization is a process which cannot be stopped but it should be ensured that we are following the right path and going in the right direction. We can see urbanization from the ancient times of Harappan Culture, Mohenjodaro Culture etc. and can see that the population was first developed near the rivers and later on it moved to various parts of the country.



Keywords: Urbanization, Environment, Infrastructure, Employment, Sanitary Facilities.


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