Digital innovation is an opportunity for governments, businesses, the public, and for how they relate to each other. India has become the digital capabilities hub of the world with around 75% of global digital talent present in the country. Therefore India is known as a powerhouse of software, But the availability of electronic government services to citizens is still comparatively low. The national e-governance plan approved in 2006, made steady progress but it has been slow and greater thrust was required. In this background, digital India is a project started by the government of India on the 1st of July 2015 to transform India into a complete digitally empowered as well as knowledgeable country of the world. The emphasis of the digital India project is on creating jobs and skill enhancement in the broadband highways, e-governance, electronic delivery of services, universal access to mobile connectivity, electronic manufacturing, and information for all, etc. The project is interconnected by the various government departments such as IT-education, health, agriculture, and administration, etc. to achieve promising bright returns. It is headed and planned by the Ministry of communication and the departments of electronics and information technology. Digital India is a program to equip India for a digitized future. The Focus is on making technology central to enabling change. The main focus of the digital India project is to connect rural India to urban India by building modern technologies, bridge the gap between the rural and urban areas, and bring broadband speed to India's rural areas which are suffering from a lack of connectivity. The program is designed to ensure that the government services accessible even to the poor and downtrodden people, through electronic means, thereby, fastening the rendering of services and improving the quality of life of even the lowest stratum of society.



Keywords: Digital India, Technology, Empowered, Interconnected, Communication, Information.


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