Banking system is one among the oldest businesses systems in the world and retained its existence from earlier period in India. The banking industry has its source in the earlier centuries. Awareness of banking was there among the prehistoric society because they felt the requirement of banking and makes use of cash transaction to induce proper benefits. The importance of banking industry was recognized by the people because they'd realized the worth of cash in their life. Application of data Technology was successfully administered in the industry. Maximum banking transactions were done through information technology. Therefore it's concluded that information technology is the trouble shooter of the industry and also most helpful for the shoppers for his or her day to day banking transactions. Phone Banking, automated teller machine Machines (ATM), Credit Cards, Debit Cards, ATM Cards, Smart Cards, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), Shared Payment Network System (SPNS), Electronic Clearing Services (ECS), Point of sale [POS] terminal, D-Mat Accounts, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), E-Cheques, Computerized Accounting, E-Mail and RBI Net are a number of the samples of administration of knowledge Technology in the Indian banking industry. However the implementation of recent technology in banking system and advancement of E-banking not only offered opportunities for the shoppers to avail comfortable banking services and for the banks to expand banking business but has also gave an equal opportunities and opened the doors for brand spanking new criminal activities. The current research work is the assessment of the impact of cyber crimes on the E-banking in India. This study is a trial to search out up to what extent legal provisions are effective and efficient enough for controlling the cyber crimes against e-banking in India. The results of this study may encourage be helpful in assessing the effectiveness of the legislation, their weaknesses and can suggest ways to amend and plan for the longer term.



Keywords: Banking, Banking system, Criminal Activities, Cyber Crimes, Information Technology.


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