The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting all segments of students learning. The study aimed to investigate the challenge of COVID-19 pandemic on the education of students studying in different foreign universities. The COVID-19 is first and foremost a respiratory disease which has transitioned into pandemic. This virus is a novel coronavirus that has caused health crises around the world. In order to avoid physical contact, the authorities in India and  worldwide decided to close schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions. To avoid suspension of classes, the brick and mortar style of teaching shifted to impersonal education through online teaching platforms. This unseen and unimaginable home schooling came as a huge challenge to students learning, impacting 87% of the world's student population  (UNESCO, 2020). Everything from teaching to students internal assessment to even games period has moved online, with a lot of experimentation, glitches and uncertainty for everyone. This unexpected disruption might cause or increase inequality and injustice.  Educational Institutions in Foreign countries have also been shut down and shifted their platform online to complete the curricula. But this sudden turn of events has brought them face to face with the impact of Covid -19 on a number of Financial and Academic areas. And not only there is an immediate impact but further prospects of admission to these institutions are also affected. The impact can be seen from the fact that the British Council has restricted the access to English Language Tests that happen prior to admission to foreign universities. This paper explores the feedback from international students on their perception of the financial and academic impact of  covid-19 on students’ education  This study is also being done to test if international students are likely to start their studies as planned. Results indicated that as intrinsic motivation to learn and effort regulation decrease, procrastination increases. Specific strategies for encouraging effort regulation and intrinsic motivation in online graduate students are presented.



Keywords: Foreign Universities, Foreign Students, Covid-19 outbreak, E-Education.


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