The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the new coronavirus pandemic is a general healthcare crisis which is a serious worldwide concern .With the hit of this pandemic entire country almost stopped and lockdown was imposed by the government which slowed the speed of transmission of infection amongst public. The healthcare system got badly exposed and lockdown gave sometime for the health infrastructure to meet the demands posed by this pandemic across nation. To avail the benefit of healthcare is a fundamental human right but the COVID-19 pandemic created unforeseen situations in healthcare systems everywhere and thereby affected people’s primary care provisions. After unlock took place strict intensive screening of visitors is being undertaken if they belong to containment zone and to the condition of Indian healthcare system and impact of COVID-19 on it. This study is entirely based on the secondary data which has been collected from various online sources and from the surveys done by different reputed agencies. Further, the study analyses the condition of Indian healthcare system and the effect of COVID-19 on it and how healthcare system can deal with this pandemic. The study here suggests for an increase in the healthcare budget, improve research facilities, subsidies to medical device manufacturing industries and easy loans to pharma companies in order to boost the country’s economy to overcome this pandemic and speed up the economic recovery of nation after unlock and also, extend the support worldwide. The study further concludes that there is a rapid surge of clinical manifestations and diagnosis facilities in response to this pandemic. Moreover, in terms of prevention and cure more sort of valid and reliable ways need to be addressed to citizen by the government officials to curb this type of panic situation amongst them in addition to vaccine which is under trial process.
Keywords: Healthcare Sector, India, COVID-19, Government, Medical Professionals, Unlock.