ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Parmeshwari Bagra

India has witnessed a crisis of empathy, quality, fairness, integrity, honesty, and intellectual capability among the members of its legislatures, both at the Centre similarly because the State level. The very spirit and objective of democracy can be lost if India continues to suffer at the hands of such law-makers who are a liability to the society. Corruption has been rampant in Indian polity, not only at the electoral level, but also at the chief level. Additionally to the current, India stands witness to an alarmingly high number of individuals with criminal background who have polluted Indian polity. India stands as a model for several emerging democracies round the world. While we are justifiably happy with our democracy, there are variety of areas which require to be strengthened for us to comprehend truth potential of a well functioning democracy, Our election system, from the choice of candidates, to the style during which funds are raised and spent in election campaigns, are in dire need of great changes. The criminalization of our social group has been observed almost unanimously by all recent committees on politics and electoral reform. Criminalisation of politics is of forms, but the foremost alarming among them is the significant number of elected representatives with criminal charges pending against them. The financing of elections has also become a serious issue within the past few decades. It’s widely believed that the value of fighting elections has climbed far above the legal spending limits. This has resulted in lack of transparency, widespread corruption, and therefore the pervasiveness of so-called ‘back-money’. This evil of Criminalization of Politics concerns special attention of the people because the topic revolves round the vested interests of politicians of all hues; intrinsically the people can never hope that the politicians would take any initiative to rectify this evil. The prevailing trend is spreading like cancer. It's nullifying all the constitutional safeguards of democracy; that's, it's spoiling bureaucracy by making it partial; it thwarts press; and even threatens judiciary; and thus is destroying the inspiration of democracy. Therefore the people should come to life directly and force the political parties to fix their ways



Keywords: Politics, Crime, Attention, Elections, Bureaucracy, Constitution, Criminalization.


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