Information on road traffic flow intensity is essential for development of measures to improve road Traffic Safety, while its forecasting on the roads is an integral part of the process of designing road facilities outside populated localities. Jaipur being the capital of Rajasthan, is the focus of the socio-economic and political life of State. It witnessed fast growth both physical and demographic. Hence this makes the transport in Jaipur a matter of concern. However, the transportation sector has not been able to keep pace with rising demand and is proving to be a drag on the economy. Major improvements in the sector are therefore required to support the city’s continued economic growth and the reduce poverty which poses a challenge. This paper deals with the current status of road traffic flow intensity in the city, concerns, challenges and solutions. For a better, inclusive and sustainable future a quick, safe and eco-friendly road traffic network is a must.
Keywords: Road Traffic Safety, Demographic, Tourist Destination, Sustainable Environment.