It is an accepted proven fact that sellers the planet over, including the now defunct 'Red-Block' must survive, so need to recourse to aggressive advertising. Selling campaigns, regardless of what the merchandise or service is, require advertising. It might be as tiny as a pin or as big as a piano, airplanes, computers industrial plants, tourism etc. and even the politicians must be marketed. The success of the merchandise or services goes to the well-planned campaign and not most even to the merchandise quality. Sales-publicity is an integral a part of our lives. Ed Nay, former chairman of the large American agency Young and Rubican, points out that as recently because the mid-seventies many companies still accustomed have furious discussion - "Should we advertise or not ?". Those days aren't any more. Further Nay says "It is going on because the success has proven that advertising works." Advertising today, is invasive. Our life-styles aren't any longer our own. They’re determined by the copy-writers and psycho analysits. An oversized segment of consumers made of the 'Me Generation' who regards advertising as a well-liked sort. The super abundance of products and services survive only due to giant strides taken by the ad world and not necessarily on the idea of merits and quality of the merchandise. Advertising is in the limelight all the time. This makes it a straightforward target for social scientists. Advertising does influence the society but at the identical time mirrors the pictures of the society.
Keywords: Advertisement, Economic, Social, Children, Communication, Life Style.