ISO 9001:2015


Dr. O. P. Sharma

The key consideration within the success of a business isn't the profit it earned rather it's the competitive advantage it gained. The profit little question could be a criteria to live success of a business and should even be the factor to contemplate the recovery of investment, but in today’s cut throat competitive environment, the success criteria is how long an entity will remain within the competition. For surviving in such an environment, the entity must need to secure competitive advantage. Competitive advantage means any factor or quality that differentiate product and services of an entity from its competitors and helps the entity to increase its market share. As we said earlier, the capital or technology was those factors that help entity in securing the competitive advantage, but now it don't. Now a days the Human resource or the workforce is the factor that decide majorly whether entity will have competitive advantage or not, or will it's successful in having going concern within the long term. Since it's the key factor hence management of this resource becomes a necessary practice. Skilled, abled, technically sound, qualified and undoubtedly efficient Human resource isn't available easily and there's no sense of occupying a person force which isn't at up to the present level. Competitive advantages don't seem to be secured after we make our force skill, but it's secured once we uses skilled resource to use our other resources optimally. Maintaing or retaining Skilled Human resource could be a very difficult task. And this all comes through a correct Human resource Management. Policies followed in ancient time are now not useful in managing the people at workplace. Each organisation has got to come into being policy considering its own state of business, manpower and finance availably. But the question is how? And this we are attempting to debate during this article.



Keywords: Human Resource, Competitive advantages, Management Practices, Finances, Development.


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