The Victorian Age was an age of astonishing variety and complexity in all political, social and literary fields. The literature of this time embodies the complete spirit of Victorian England. As W.H. Hudson says, as could not conceivably have been produced at any other time in the world’s history. The two more currents that form Victorian England civilization are in the political and social spheres. The progress in the fields of intellectual, science and democracy has been astounding. As W.H. Hudson says the growth of science kept pace with the progress of democracy, and in more than fifty years with which we are here as concerned men have added more to our positive knowledge of ourselves and the universe than our forefathers had done in all the preceding eighteen centuries of our era. The Victorian Age majorly covers the period from 1837 to 1901. Queen Elizabeth succeeded the throne in 1837 the throne of England and died in 1901. After her death, the Victorian Age came to its collapse and was soon replaced by the Modern Age slowly but decisively. Many critics usually regard the year 1887 as the Victorian Jubilee because after this the former poets had nothing new to survive or to add to the literary output and fresh poets and prose writers have arisen. Victorian poets found themselves among new men, strange face and other minds in the later Victorian period.


Keywords: Victorian Age, Science Fiction, Science vs Religion, Monster Characters.


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