ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Ashok Kumar Mishra & Dr. Surabhi Mishra

Monetary policy consists of the actions of a financial institution or other regulatory committee that determine the scale and rate of growth of cash supply, which successively affects interest rates. Monetary policy is maintained by modifying the interest rates, buying or selling government bonds, and changing the quantity of cash which banks are required to stay in the vault (Bank reserve). By monetary policy, we mean the policy concerned with changes in the supply of cash. Monetary policy can either be expansionary policy or a contractionary policy, where an expansionary policy increases the full supply of cash in the economy, contractionary policy decreases the full monetary resource. Expansionary policy is traditionally wont to combat unemployment. During this sense, monetary policy comprises only those decisions and measures of the state and of the monetary authority which affect the degree of cash and level of interest rates. Thus, monetary Policy is defined as comprising of such measures which result in influencing the value, volume and availability of cash & credit so on achieve certain set objectives. Historically, economic process and inflation has been the first objective of any monetary policy. But the rising specialize in financial inclusion has subsequently led to the event of monetary market and financial institutional structure not only in India but also at global level. Thus, together with the event of monetary system, the probability of economic distress has also increase particularly, after the world financial crisis. Thus, because of the financial sector development issues associated with financial stability grapple. Different economist has different views regarding it. Few economists argued that monetary authority needs broader mandate to incorporate the financial stability as another objective together with the first objective of maintaining the worth stability. Few other economists argued that financial stability objective should be distinguished from price stability to avoid confusion between both policies. Thus, the question arises is whether or not the central authority lean the responsibility either fully or shared of maintaining financial stability together with price stability or there should be a separate authority to house the matter of monetary stability. Another important issue is whether or not the central bank’s instruments (interest rate, credit) for addressing the worth stability is sufficient to make sure multiple objective of price stability and financial stability both. Finally, is there any inter-linkage between the worth stability and financial stability. If there, then whether it's long term or short run. Present article could be a contribution towards of these unsettled issues.



Keywords: Economies, Stability, Price Impact, Development, Monetary, Capital Flow, Trade.


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