Education is facing problem with the digital world because most of the middle-aged teachers are digital novices whereas the students today are digital experts. This digital generation gap has created a digital divide between teachers and students. The middle-aged teachers are not so comfortable with the advanced technology, especially smartphones, smartboards and other electronic devices which are widely used by teachers in online teaching or blended teaching for that matter. They rely on their children to help them out in preparing the PPTs, shooting the videos and finally uploading the videos and thus making them available for their students. There has been blended teaching for almost a decade now but it was not as popular as it has become now in Covid-19 and post-Covid-19 days. Blended teaching was confined to public schools and private colleges only, however, it is being used by the government schools and colleges too because there is no other option to reach out to students who are quarantined within the four walls of their houses for almost a year now due to Covid-19. Therefore, to satisfy the novel learning needs of the twenty-first-century generation students, teachers are supposed to acquire skills and competence to integrate technology not only in the classroom but also in their routine life. Although, it is a quite difficult task for digital novices yet it is equally essential for them to grasp the working of those digital tools in today’s digital age of information and knowledge explosion because it is ‘New Normal’ now.
Keywords: Digitalization, Communication, Revolution, E-learning, Globalization, Technology, Covid-19.