Gender inequality; a global phenomena, has always been an issue of debate. Women are given lesser advantages the world over. Usually they are not treated at par with the men in terms of liberty, job responsibilities, education opportunity, healthcare facilities and social honor. The issue is more severe in under developed and developing countries where men are in dominant positions. In some of the communities, this discretion is seen with a very high degree and the women do not get proper respect and equal opportunities to contribute and grow. The discretion is present globally in varied degree. Though women play very important roles in any society for its economic, social, political and cultural development, however their roles are not recognized well, and they suffer the pain of biasness of the society. India and other neighboring countries do not present a good scenario regarding the subject. Women still do not get similar rights and chances as the men get. Cases of sexual harassment, eves teasing, female child infanticide, salary discretion, domestic violence, rapes and so many other crimes against women are wide prevalent in such countries. The current study has taken the global gender report of south asian countries indicating the level of equality based on different variables. Year wise trend and inter country comparison have been the key features of the underlying study.
Keywords: Gender, Equality, Social, Political and Cultural Development, Index.