ISO 9001:2015


Mukesh Kumar

The basis of Human Resources Management is the recognition of the human personality of the worker or worker which is quite essential for the upkeep of fine industrial relations in industry. They possess a sort of characteristics, perceptions, needs, attitudes and behavioral patterns that complicate organizational activities in banking sector which must be taken into consideration by bank management. It’s not enough to merely consider a way to employ the technical skills of individuals. Consideration must even be given to how people will react to how they're getting used and that they will react to the user. Human Resources management deals with these human aspects in a corporation. They shall be involved in managing change processes and improve organizational capacity for change and reform to play. They have to revise and redesign of human resources together with the working managers and are devoted to its consequences. It’s essential to human resource managers are part of this agreement. Globalization represents the making of structure of the world characterized by free transfer of technology and human asset throughout the country boundaries further because the spread of data Technology. The article deals with the sensible consequences having globalization for human resource management (HRM). Globalization transforms the culture of the nation a strategic matter that must be faced and properly managed. The matter is that the balancing of the world trends in human resource management with the impact of culture of nation because various aspects of Human resource management are stricken by differences in national culture. The thing of the study is result of globalization and Technology for managing human resources across selected cultures. In present world economy the level up to which human resource activities are successful through various culture is largely depend upon the manager’s abilities to know and balance other cultures’ values and practice as regards such things because the importance of labor, how power and standing are conferred, the determined value and other basic differences in how people from various cultures view the globe.



Keywords: Technology, Multi Dimensional, Management, Globalization, Monopoly, Challenges.


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