ISO 9001:2015


Md Moshihur Rahaman

All the Education institutions have been closed throughout the world during the COVID-19. The article explores different instructional strategies. Furthermore, sharing resources before the category will help in creating interactive online classes. The study suggested that instruction Commission should make collaborations with telecommunication industries. This can help in overcoming Internetrelated issues. Online class now's the demand of the day as little scopes are to seek out out alternatives to online class in these unprecedented days caused by corona pandemic across the world. The study was qualitative and Collection of data is made from various secondary sources i.e. different newspapers and journals within the recent times together with a mini interview with students of personal universities studying in numerous subjects over mobile by the researcher. Findings of the study show that though online education incorporates a number of challenges faced by two main stakeholders; students and teachers, handling of these challenges carefully can have the possibility to make a positive atmosphere within the field of education as an alternate teaching learning leading to positive outcomes all told regards. Online education could be a style of education where students use their home computers through the net staying away academic institutions. In recent time online teaching learning has become a buzz word within the field of education as finding no other alternatives to providing education to the scholars within the class. Because of the emergence of the pandemic of Covid-19, the entire world is experiencing huge toll together with widespread panic and uncertainty. Countries of the globe are attempting to shun the gap and minimize the losses of scholars caused by the continued pandemic. Recording online lectures and getting support from teaching assistants also are vital features. These instructional strategies will function a superb tool in running online classes. COVID19 pandemic has also affected education in India. Indian universities are moving from traditional facetoface education to remote education. Most of the Higher education institutes exclusively universities are moving toward online education. Students have gotten education online by sitting ahead of their computer screens at their home. UNESCO reported that around 61 countries are enforcing closures of upper educational institutes. It includes Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East and America. This text explores the impact of online instruction in developing countries. Furthermore, it suggests methods, which is able to be beneficial in remote learning.



Keywords: Higher Education, Pandemics, Recording, Technology, Communication, Challenges.


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