A widow is a woman whose spouse dies. This condition, in which the spouse dies, is called widowhood. The loss of a husband is felt more than any other loss and disrupts the lives of women. The standard of living of the people in India has improved to a great extent but there is still a class whose condition has not improved and they are widows. The way society treats widows is very reprehensible. Widowhood is a crisis and a problem that suddenly changes a woman's life and also including new social adjustments. The main reasons for publishing this paper is to describe the difficulties in the life of the widow, the imposition of rituals on her in the name of the practice, and the mental and financial difficulties faced by the widow. Although the Government of India has implemented several schemes in India for a widow, the condition of widows is appalling. The government plans to reduce the economic burden on widows, which also gives benefit to some extent, but it is not enough. It helps a little, financially and a lonely widow also suffers from mental depression. Society does not support her enough, even family members do not support her. Society does not want to take responsibility for the fact that a widow does not have a place in society and a widow is not respected as a married woman. Many works in the country are in the interest of widows but the problem of widows is not lessened by society.
Keywords: Widow, Patriarchal Society, Socio-Economic Status, Cultural Practices.