“When we add light to the environment, that has the potential to disrupt habitat, just like running a bulldozer over the landscape can.”
— Chad Moore, Formerly Program Manager of the National Park Service
For billions of years, life on earth is closely interwoven with the inevitable cycle of day and night. DNA of all plants and animals is scripted with the activities synchronised with the cycle of day and night. Inventions and innovations of human beings have radically disrupted this cycle of alternate light and darkness by lighting up the nights. Lives, life processes and activities of plants and animals depend on earth’s twenty four hourly cycle of light and dark. The predictable cycle of light and darkness of nature governs the life-supporting behaviors such as, nourishment, sleep, protection from predators and reproduction. Scientific evidences suggest that artificial lightings at night time has adverse and deadly effects on many creatures including amphibians reptlies, birds, mammals, insects and plants. Light pollution, during day and night, is not only affecting animal and plants wildlife but it also has drastically adverse effects on human life and society.
Keywords: Light Pollution, Ecosystem Balances, Gene Pool, Predator- Prey Relationship, Circadian Rhythm, Melatonin.