In every age, there have been minds more responsive to the transparent honesty and greatness of Plato and Aristotle than to the tangled dogmatism of the fathers. Incidentally, Wells' literary work from the late Victorian Age records his transparent honesty and mind's respond to the greatness of Plato and Aristotle, and his fiction doesn't yield to the accepted social or literary traditions and manages to retain his distinctiveness even today. While building planets, spaceships and aliens out of broken crockery from his father's crockery store in the backyard of bleak Atlas house situated in Kent, England, Wells unconsciously prepared himself to deal with the path-breaking ideas that soon found forms in his prolific literary career. Wells may have started publishing fiction at a ripe age, but his tryst with fantasy started quite early in that backyard with his Dickensian childhood. Despite his humble background and his mother's attempts at training him to be a draper's apprentice, he cultivated reading and was highly influenced by Plato's Republic and Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Against odds, he studied the vaguely developed branches of the science of his time and honed his imagination alongside. His education and imagination combined with an analytical mind full of ideas brought him to a literary career spread over sixty years. He used the genre of fantasy as an escape mechanism in his growing years as a reader and continued contributing to the genre in the early years as a novelist. He grew up in the time of the Golden Age of the British Empire, after the industrial revolution, the progress of mankind was taken for granted. At a time like that Wells thought beyond that progress. He imagined a negative future when the Empire was still riding the wave of success. A believer in the natural cycle, he used his common sense and envisioned a downfall of the Empire that may have been laughable at the time. However, his message was skillfully disguised in his early fiction.
Keywords: Tangled Dogmatism, Transparent Honesty, Imagination, Speculative, Fantasy Literature.